company company n. (1) 交際, つきあい; 仲間, 連れ, 友人; 人の集まり, 一座, 劇団; 来客; 〔軍事〕 中隊. 【動詞+】 avoid the company of strangers 知らない人と一緒にいるのを避ける Will you bear me company as far as the post office? 《文語》 郵便局まで一緒に行
it appears he and his wife lived in company housing . ご夫婦で 社員寮に住んでたみたいです
if that kind of thing happened at the company housing そんなことが社員寮で起これば いくらなんでもねえ
older and smaller than tokyo chuo bank's company housing . <タミヤ電機の社宅に 自ら入居していた>
they don't have to be kept in this small company housing , right ? 《狭い社宅に置いとかなくても》
there was company housing too , right ? 社員寮もあったんですよね?
it seems the kids in the company housing made fun of him saying 社宅の子たちに「お前のパパは ダメな銀行員だ」って
they gave us cars , company housing . 車と社宅も用意してくれた
they gave us cars , company housing . 車と社宅も用意してくれた
make cookies and hand them to the housewives of the company housing . 社宅の奥さんたちに 配るつもりだったみたい。
he suddenly quit his job at the factory and moved out of company housing . 急に工場を辞めて 社員寮も出たんですけど